Spring Forum 2023

Seminar Internationalisation Education development Higher education
Green flower and text: International Spring Forum for Higher Education

Welcome to the Spring Forum for higher education international affairsThe Spring Forum will take place in Espoo at Aalto University campus on 3-5 May 2023. The official programme is on 4-5 May 2023, and Wednesday afternoon 3 May 2023 is reserved for network meetings. 

Theme of the forum is Internationality in transition. The theme will be viewed through the new Vision for strengthening the international dimension of Finnish higher education and research by 2035:

  1. Finland, a society guided by values and principles 
  2. Finland, a competitive economy that attracts talent 
  3. Finland, a responsible and receptive nation  
  4. Finland, an agent in resolving sustainable development challenges 
  5. Finland, a country that builds on cooperation 

Programme as well as session and poster descriptions are available on the right side of this page. More information on the event is available on Aalto University web page. 

Forum for International Policies organizes an afternoon event as part of the Spring Forum program on Friday 5 May from 13 to 15 at Aalto University. Please note, that those who have already registered for the event automatically participate in the event on Friday. 

The Spring Forum is multilingual (Finnish, Swedish, English). Most of session presentations are held in English.

Date and place

3. – 5.5.2023
Aalto University, Espoo

Enrolment period

10.3.2023 – 6.4.2023 at 23:59 o'clock


Programme and descriptions
Session 1 How to improve the student experience for international students – focus on the journey
Session 2 Kuinka tunnistaa parhaat opiskelijarekrytoinnin kohderyhmät
Session 5 Responsible partnerships – understanding due diligence
Session 7 Talent Boost_SIMHE Bringing HEIs together through SIMHE
Session 8 Kv-henkilöstön maahantuloprosessi ja kunnan tuki integraatioon - HEI Life puolisoverkosto
Session 12 Towards inclusive and responsible language policies in higher education institutions
Session 13 Africa networks - roundtable
Session 15 Talent retention
Session 16 Diverse and inclusive work communities in higher education, how to get there
Session 18 Kansainväliset opiskelijat Suomessa – ISB-kyselyn tuloksia
Session 20 Kuuluuko kansainvälisyys kaikille – siis ihan kaikille
Session 23 Increasing the involvement of students, academics and societal partners in EUN activities
Session 25 Go Green! – kohti vihreämpiä liikkuvuuksia
Session 26 Climate and conflicts – challenging global engagement
Session 27 Managing expectations and services at arrival stage
Session 29 Vastuullinen ja vastaanottava Suomi - yhdenvertaisuuden ja etnisen monimuotoisuuden edistäminen korkeakouluissa
Session 30 International Employablity Landscape; Student Perspectives from Tampere
Session 35 Talent Boost_SIMHE korkeakoulujen valmentavat opinnot